Monday, October 5, 2009

Baby it's cold outside!!

Cali, the mission office had our mailing address wrong, so all of our mail from the past three weeks went to some house in Fallon. I might never get my memory cards back. So don't delete any of those pictures! They may be the only copy I have!

We got new senior sisters running our office, and they're kinda computer illiterate... hence the mix up with our mail, grrrr...

Well Battle Moutnain has gotten cold! It got to 34 the other day! They say it can get as cold as negative 30! Cali, I didn't bring a single sweater or anything! Not any missionary appropriate ones anyway. But we have some awesome members (the ones we live with) who own a store that sells Carharts and stuff. They said I could go get one there. What I didn't get was they meant I could go HAVE one, so I went and the only one that would work while proselyting was 100 bucks. And they gave it to me! It's just a black hoody but it's nice. They said it would work for awhile. But they said if it's get negative it won't work. I think I can manage.

BTW, can you send my black Columbia jacket? It's all black and has a kind of scout patch on the left shoulder that says Columbia. Or have mom send it!

I got the package the other day, which was good because I'm scared to eat anything out of this town. We've gotten sick 3 times in 3 weeks. My ward mission leader says thats normal and it just takes some time getting used to! It's because of all the nucleur testing they did up here. :)

And the ties were sick! I needed some more because I had a few that got destroyed by a dry cleaner. I had to go iron them all again with a damp cloth. But 3 will never be the same again... :(

And tell Jeff thanks for the tie, I've only had it 3 days and everyone keeps complimenting it! Well tell Jeff and Dallas I love them, love you too!

-Elder Call

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