Monday, October 19, 2009

Tough times in the armpit of America.

Now that you mention it I think I might have given it to D-bo. Not sure but I have some very vague memory. And I can look at your website. I pretty much can do anything I feel like. My pres is pretty laid back, and anything to do with family we can pretty much do. Plus I'm in Battle Mountain, so I can really do whatever I want. The members we live with just got back from a mission in Croatia. They keep trying to get us to break rules! It's kinda funny. They say we can get on the computer when ever we want. It was pretty cool for about a day. But there's just not a lot of things to do on the computer. You really only get email once a week as an Elder, and it just got really boring. But I love this family. They are really good to us. They gave me a black Columbia hoody to wear as my coat and I think it should do.

I HATE MY MISSION OFFICE! They had a wrong address for us 3 weeks ago, and they said they fixed it, then they called us 4 days ago and asked what our address was. THEY HADN'T CHANGED IT! So we have had no letters since I got transferred here. I don't know how many of my investigators wrote me, and no letters have been forwarded back to us. So I think any letters I might have gotten in the past months are just gone for good. Totally sucks.

And my ward mission leader I think pretty much hates me. I can't say anything without making him mad. The other day Elder Winters got shoe polish on his pants and stained them. So he was joking about bleaching them white, and I said I wouldn't walk next to him if he did, ya homo. And my ward mission leader says, "I use to where white jeans." And he was pretty upset about that. And he keeps telling us how to be missionaries! That is my biggest pet peeve! People saying stuff like do this, do that, or my favorite one- oh they will never come back to church don't bother! I told a member the other day that Jesus was pissed that she just said that.

I kind of hate it here, but I'm making the best of it. December should have a few baptisms for us.

Well I think that's all of the new things on my end worth talking about anyway, love you Cali.

-Elder Call

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